HomeBusinessHow Students Can Earn Easy Money by Online Writing Jobs?

How Students Can Earn Easy Money by Online Writing Jobs?

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High school is the time when people don’t work full-time jobs, instead preferring freelance and part-time work to get along with their expenses. One specific type of work that a lot of people can find themselves wanting to do is content writing.

Doing writing jobs can be a great way to earn money since it helps you polish and sharpen your skills for future careers in IT. It helps in building your research skills, your writing skills, your typing speed, and so on.

But, as much as they want to, many high schoolers can be at a loss when it comes to actually starting out with these jobs.

In this post, we’re going to look at just how this whole process works.

How to earn easy Money with Online Writing Jobs?

Earn Easy Money by Online Writing Jobs


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1.     Pick a Promising Job Platform

The best way to get started with online writing jobs is to find work through freelancing websites. That is how a lot of seasoned writers kick off their careers and then grow on to become professionals.

However, a lot of people can go wrong when it comes to choosing the right platform to work with. You can avoid that by looking at the following things when picking a freelancing platform:

  1. First of all, look at the platforms that are widely used online. With regard to freelancing platforms, popularity is one of the clearest signs of reliability. Nowadays, the market in these platforms is held by a few well-known sites like Upwork and Fiverr, etc.
  2. Then, look at how the different platforms work and which sort of setup will be more appropriate for you. For example, on platforms like Fiverr, there is a “gig” system in which buyers come to sellers and hire them directly. On these platforms, staying online as much as you can and being constantly ready for work is paramount. Platforms like Upwork and Freelancer, on the other hand, have a bidding system where service sellers have to apply for jobs on the respective listings.

If, as a high-school student, you have the time and capacity to stay online and deal with sudden orders, you can get started with platforms like Fiverr. But if you happen to have a tight schedule and you can only work for a certain part of the day, you should go for a bidding-style platform instead.

2.     Create and Curate Your Profile(s)

Once you are done selecting a platform, the next thing that you have to do is create and curate your profile.

Creating your profile alone isn’t enough. Considering the number of users these platforms typically have and the competition that you have to face on platforms like these, you need to make sure that your profiles stand out from the crowd.

Once again, as we did in the heading above, we will list some tips and pointers that you can follow to not only create your profiles but enhance them as well.

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  1. First of all, when creating your profile, you have to ensure that you add all types of information that can be required by a person potentially wanting to hire you. You should take care to add all the relevant experiences and qualifications that you possess in relation to the services you’re offering.
  2. On your profile, you should show your portfolio i.e., collections of work that you’ve done in the past. Oftentimes, the first thing that a potential employer checks before hiring someone is their portfolio. If the portfolio is impressive and the showcased work is up to the mark, the employer will be more likely to go ahead with the hire.
  3. When putting written content on your profiles i.e., descriptions and bio, etc., you should also optimize them with the right keywords. Just as keywords play a role in optimizing websites and webpages for search engine optimization, they also play a role in ranking your profile in the platform’s search algorithm. A good way to get an idea of how you should adjust keywords in your profile is to simply look at the top-ranked and highest-rated ones. When you’re starting out, mimicking a high-ranking profile (in terms of content format and keyword adjustment, etc.) is a good idea.

3.     Provide High-Quality Content

This step, obviously, comes after you land your first job. Remember, getting a job is not the same thing as “making money.”

You have to impress the client and give them the content they need. If you take care of your content’s quality and if you fulfill all the requirements that your client puts forward, you will then get paid.

And, of course, this would be the stepping stone to getting more and more clients in the future.

So, how do you make sure that the content you provide is high-quality? Here are some things that you can do:

  1. First of all, make sure that you understand all the requirements provided by the client/employer. If you have any questions about them, you should clear them up. Even if the content you create is not mind-blowingly spectacular, it will have a good chance of getting accepted if it fulfills the requirements.
  2. During the writing process, you should keep the general best practices in mind. You should, for example, keep your content well-organized and readable. You should likewise take special care to avoid grammar and spelling mistakes in the content.
  3. One of the main things that matter in content quality – especially when you’re writing for a freelance client – is uniqueness. If your content is unique, you can win the trust of the client/employer. And the opposite is the case if your content contains plagiarism. Before you finalize and submit your work, you should use a plagiarism checker on the content to ensure its uniqueness.


While there are finer details in the whole process, these are the main things that you have to do to earn easy money with online writing jobs. You have to pick the right platform, create outstanding profiles, and provide your clients with high-quality content.

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