HomeCareersCareer in entrepreneurship

Career in entrepreneurship

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The following article provides all the information about a career in entrepreneurship and job opportunities in the same. After completing entrepreneurship programs, students tend to learn and analyze economic principles and learn best practices.

By developing a career in entrepreneurship, many business giants have created some of the most noteworthy and successful companies around the globe. The ability to take risks, lead teams, and make decisions are some of the prominent traits of an entrepreneur.

Topic in This Article

Career in entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship Career Overview

Skills gained during a career in entrepreneurship

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Career paths in Engineering

Frequently asked questions for a career in Engineering

Career in entrepreneurship


Career in entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship Career Overview

Many entrepreneurs use their knowledge and skills to create and run a company rather than pursue a related job. But a career in entrepreneurship also offers other job opportunities like a business manager, finance manager, financial analyst, or chief executive officer. A career in entrepreneurship is required in all fields. Every business needs a professional who can lead the company to success and can manage multiple responsibilities.

The following table provides the detail of four typical career opportunities for an entrepreneur major and the salary details for each of them:

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Job Title Entry-Level (0-12 Months) Early Career (1-4 years) Mid-Career (5-9 years) Experienced (10-19 years)
Business manager INR 2.7 Lakhs INR 5.6 Lakhs INR 7.8 Lakhs INR 13.2 Lakhs and above
Finance Manager INR 3.6 Lakhs INR 8 Lakhs INR 10.1 Lakhs INR 13 Lakhs and above
Financial Analyst INR 3.5 Lakhs INR 4.3 Lakhs INR 6.3 Lakhs INR 11.5 Lakhs and above
Chief Executive Officer INR 5.9 Lakhs INR 7.4 Lakhs INR 15.4 Lakhs INR 23.1 Lakhs and above

Salary source: https://www.ambitionbox.com/

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Skills gained during a career in entrepreneurship

A career in entrepreneurship can be tough as it includes the risk factor in it. But, the right guidance and insightful coursework taught by experienced faculty can prepare the students for an even more challenging career in entrepreneurship. Aspirants build professional skills and competency-based approaches in business, finance, marketing sales, and strategic planning.


Entrepreneurs do need leadership qualities to hire appropriate employees to help them flourish in the business. They should know to shape their vision in a way that will enable them to hire qualified, experienced staff, and communicate the work that needs to be done.

Risk Management

Taking a step into the dark without knowing the future might be fearful, which is why most people do not own their businesses. A career in entrepreneurship is truly based on market ups and downs and complete research of the domain business to make an educated guess about their chances of success.


An entrepreneur should always be creative. An entrepreneur should know what the situation might demand at any moment, and he should be prepared for it. To be a good entrepreneur, one needs to highlight the pros and cons of the business and build a strategy to bring out more ideas for the company to reach greater heights.

Work Ethic

A career in entrepreneurship demands a proper work ethic lifestyle that an entrepreneur should maintain to work efficiently and set a certain example for the employees as well. Work ethics display the determination and willingness of an entrepreneur to make the company huge and succeed in the business.

You can visit the following site to read more ways that an entrepreneur can be motivated by knowing more about the skills required:


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Career paths in Engineering

With an entrepreneurship degree, graduates can prepare for many different careers, depending on what type of startup or business they are planning. Bachelor’s and master’s degrees in entrepreneurship draw attention to many portable skills, such as writing, reading, interpersonal communication, and research-based approaches. These skills are then utilized to ensure the company’s success. Let us see some of the education options for a career in entrepreneurship.

Name of the degree in entrepreneurship Career paths Average Salary
Associate Degree Real Estate Broker INR 2.4 LPA
Sales Representative INR 2.3 LPA
Advertising Agent INR 2.2 LPA
Bachelor’s Degree Financial Analyst INR 4 LPA
Financial Manager INR 12 LPA
Personal Financial Advisor INR 2.7 LPA
Master’s Degree Accountant INR 4.2 LPA
Management Analyst INR 10.7 LPA
Budget Analyst INR 6.7 LPA
Doctorate Degree Entrepreneurship Professor INR 13.7 LPA
Researcher INR 5.1 LPA
Chief Executive Officer INR 30 LPA

Salary source: https://www.ambitionbox.com/

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Frequently asked questions for a career in Engineering:

Is entrepreneurship a good career?

-> Entrepreneurs have to deal with certain risk factors at an initial stage. However, when the business flourishes, it can result in ample career satisfaction and a decent salary structure ahead.

What kind of jobs can you get with a degree in entrepreneurship?

-> An entrepreneurship degree encourages aspirants to start their businesses. Furthermore, they also have the option of becoming a budget analyst or financial manager.

What are the risks of entrepreneurship?

-> Financial stability is less in entrepreneurship and the salary structure changes now and then. Sometimes, entrepreneurs have to make personal sacrifices, for example, spending less quality time with family and friends.

How can I become an entrepreneur?

-> One has to involve informal education, hands-on training, and professional experience. But, even well-trained and passionate entrepreneurs do not succeed due to economic forces beyond their control.

What is the average salary of an entrepreneur?

-> According to AmbitionBox.com (https://www.ambitionbox.com/), the average salary of an entrepreneur is INR 6 LPA. But, the salary increases even more with experience or by pursuing a masters’ degree.

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A career in Engineering is one of the great opportunities for any individual who is passionate, determined, and has a strong will. One must strongly consider everything before taking any larger step in entrepreneurship as it includes a greater risk factor. However, if done right with proper guidance and training, a career in entrepreneurship yields great results in the future. The company will flourish at greater heights and everything will feel like a dream come true.

Note: The salary data was sourced at the time when the article was written The salary structure changes every year with new job opportunities and experience of the professional.

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