HomeEntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship Development Programme in India

Entrepreneurship Development Programme in India

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Entrepreneurship development programmes (EDPs)  in India were started by SIET and Small Industry Development Organization (SIDO) through Small Industry Services Institute (SISl) and Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) and Technical Consultancy Organizations (TCOs).

Entrepreneurial Skills are an essential asset for any business. Thus, the government has taken active steps and fruitful endeavours for individuals interested in managing and creating a business.

Topic in This Article

Entrepreneurship development programme in India

Industrial Motivation Campaigns (IMCs)

Entrepreneurship Awareness Programmes (EAPs)

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Entrepreneurship-cum-Skill Development Programme (E-SDP)

Management Development Programmes (MDPs)

Institutes for Entrepreneurial Development in India.

Entrepreneurship development programme in India

Entreprenurship Development Programme In India

Some of the most popular Entrepreneurial Programmes are:

Industrial Motivation Campaigns (IMCs)

A programme is a two-day event consisting of activities of identifying and screening individuals who are marching towards the path of self-employment or managing and owning a business or a start-up of their own. The attendees are motivated to start an MSE (Mid Sized Enterprise) for which there are other sanctions available and the information is provided.

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Entrepreneurship Awareness Programmes (EAPs)

.EAPs (Entrepreneurship Awareness Programmes) are held throughout the year multiple times in order to enlighten and encourage the youth about the field of Entrepreneurship. They also nurture and educate them on various aspects of industrial activity required for setting up an MSE  (Mid Sized Enterprise). These worthwhile  EAPs are generally conducted in ITIs, Polytechnics and other technical institutions, where skill is available to gravitate them towards self-employment. The course curriculum of such Entrepreneurship Awareness activities is strategically devised in a way to encompass all the required skills such as:

  • project profile preparation
  • marketing avenues/ techniques
  • product/service pricing
  • export opportunities
  • infrastructure facilities available
  • the financial and financial institution
  • cash flow
  • Accounting
  • product casting

These would be some of the noteworthy skills shared.

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Entrepreneurship-cum-Skill Development Programme (E-SDP)

E-SDPs are intensive and comprehensive training programmes that are designed and organized to upscale the skills of prospective entrepreneurs, existing workforce and also enhance the skills of new workers and technicians of MSEs. This is achieved by organizing various technical cum skill development training programmes with the primary objectives to provide training for their skill enhancement and to equip them with better, advanced and improved technological skills of production. The specific hand-tailored programmes for the skill development of socially disadvantaged groups (SC/ST, PH and women) are organized in various regions of the states, including the less developed areas.

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Management Development Programmes (MDPs)

The primary aim of imparting training on management practice systems is to improve the decision-making capabilities of existing, learning & potential entrepreneurs resulting in higher productivity, efficiency and profitability.  Discussions, opinions, suggestions and advice on a variety of topics of managerial functions are provided to the participants in short duration training programmes. These programmes are of short duration and the curriculum is designed based on the needs of the industry and is customized if required by the students and attendees.

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Institutes for Entrepreneurial Development in India.

Some of the top institutes for Entrepreneurs are:

1 Entrepreneurial Development Institute of India (EDII)

2. The Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship (IIE)

3. National  Institute for entrepreneurship and small business development

  1. Xavier Institute of Social Services, Ranchi

5. Madhya Pradesh Consultancy Organization Ltd

6. Technical Consultant  Organization

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